November 4, 2016

After the successful completion of the BB&T/Susquehanna merger, BB&T felt so confident in the abilities of the Morgan-Keller Commercial Facilities Maintenance team they awarded them the next merger with National Penn. In addition to the scope of work they had for the previous merger, BB&T assigned those duties as well as additional responsibilities for the team to coordinate. During the BB&T/National Penn Merger, the CFM team helped facilitate the successful transition of 84 locations in a 3 state area.
The BB&T/National Penn merger involved:
- Decommissioning of closing locations
- National Penn brand element removal
- BB&T re-branding assistance
- Signage assistance
- IT backer board power support
- New Cash Room & IT Room fit-outs
- Bullet resistant glass installation
- New IT Rooms HVAC
- Point of entry for DISH Network
- ATM Kiosk transition assistance
- TV and DVD player installation
- DISH Network installation assistance
- Certificates of occupancy & final as-built survey procurement
- Demising large branches & offices for multiple tenants
- Safe deposit modifications & relocations
- Extensive vendor coordination
- Vault and safe modifications
- Coordination of lock/changes/rekeying branch
Utilizing the experience gained from the previous merger, the BB&T/National Penn merger went smoothly and proved to be a success for all involved. Morgan-Keller's Commercial Facilities Maintenance Team looks forward to their next merger opportunity.