October 1, 2014

Morgan-Keller's Schmucker Hall Project was presented with a 2014 Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Award on Friday, September 26th at the Ellis Hall Ballroom at Juniata College in Huntingdon, PA. The project received a Construction Project Award in the Public and Institutional Category.
This year's Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards exemplify some of the core values of historic preservation. "Partnerships, cooperation, and taking the long-term view are themes that run through many of this year's projects," said Mindy Crawford, Executive Director of Preservation Pennsylvania, the statewide historic preservation non profit. " Whether at the local, state, or federal level, this year's award recipients demonstrate how people working together can make a real difference." Since 1979, the Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards have honored individuals and organizations that exhibited excellence in the field of historic preservation.
Though constructed in 1832 to serve as a dormitory and classroom building, Schmucker Hall would take on symbolism as a place of reconciliation for former soldiers from the Union and Confederacy who returned to Seminary Ridge to honor fallen comrades. For the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, the Seminary Ridge Historic Preservation Foundation, the Seminary, and the Adams County Historical Society joined together to renovate the historic building for use as a museum. The project utilized federal rehabilitation investment tax credits, and included site improvements, accessibility upgrades, structural stabilization, replacement of the roof, and reconstruction of lost elements including the east entry stairs, 1914 Peace Portico.